Post Award

Award Negotiations

All sponsored program awards received by faculty as University of Arkansas employees are made to the University on the individual’s behalf. The University of Arkansas assumes all financial responsibility and guarantees that the project will be completed.

Typically, the OSP office receives notification that the sponsor wants to support the program. If the PI receives the initial award notification, the PI must send the document(s) to their OSP Grants Specialist for processing. OSP then enters into formal negotiations with the sponsor by reviewing the award's terms and conditions. After all parties agree to the contract’s content, the University accepts the sponsored program award.


Once the award is accepted and the start date is determined, OSP sends the award information to the PI, Co-PIs, department head, research administrators and Research Accounting office requesting a Worktag. Project expenditures are processed using this assigned unique number which identifies the correct account. The Workday system is for budgeting and accounting.


The PI, with the cooperation of the appropriate Research Accounting contact, manages award funds and initiates all expenditures. The departmental fiscal support specialist processes financial requests, maintains and tracks data for reporting, and reconciles accounts. The Research Accounting office monitors expenditures and submits invoices and official financial reports to the sponsor as required.

In certain situations, the PI may want to expend funds before the award process is completed. In these cases, the assigned OSP Grants Specialist can assist with processing an Advance Cost Center Number Request prior to an award’s acceptance if there is a solid commitment from the sponsor. The department/college assumes all risk in covering advance expenditures if the award is not fully executed; therefore signature approvals by the PI’s department head and Associate Dean for Research are required.

Investigator's Responsibilities

The PI must maintain contact with the sponsor’s technical monitor and comply with all grant reporting requirements. The PI should work with the OSP office to initiate correspondence with the sponsor’s administrative or contract monitor to request programmatic or budgetary changes. Requested revisions are routed and approved through OSP.