College of Engineering
4183 Bell Engineering Center
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: 479-575-7780
Engineering Career Connections can help you provide tailored professional development opportunities to your students, both inside and outside of the classroom. Learn how to collaborate with us by exploring our options below.
Partner with the Career Connections
Identify the best ways to partner with Engineering Career Connections to offer your students opportunities for professional growth within your classroom.
Schedule a Presentation
Schedule a presentation by Career Connections staff on professional development topics.
Use Career Connections Services as a Class Requirement
Learn how to require students to use Career Connections services or attend a career event/fair.
Become a Faculty Career Advocate
Learn how to become a Faculty Career Advocate and join our champion network to help us increase communication with students and academic departments about graduating student placement data, resources, career opportunities, and career events.
Why Cancel Class? Program
If you are an engineering faculty member and have plans to cancel class, Kelsey Lavigne or an engineering college career coach would be willing to speak to your class about a professional development topic. To schedule a class visit, please reach out to Robyn Williams (
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