Salary and Career Outcomes Data

As students graduate from the College of Engineering, we collect data regarding their post-graduation career outcomes. We use this information to assist current and future students in understanding their career options, and to help the college maintain its ABET accreditation. Our data is also provided to the Offices of Career Connections (OCC) so that they can maintain a University-wide database of career outcomes for our alumni. The visualization tool below has been provided by OCC.

How to Use this Visualization

This visualization shows the career outcomes of all College of Engineering students. Using the filters on the left, you can narrow the results by major, degree, outcome, industry, and graduating class. At the bottom right corner of the visualization, there is an option to make the visualization larger. At the bottom middle of the visualization, you will see “1 of 5”; this indicates that there are 5 pages of visualization. The other pages include information about salary, first-generation students, ethnicity, and the industries each major went to. As you navigate between the pages, you will need to reset your filters.


Data collection on career outcomes takes place from the date of graduation until six months after the end of the class year. A few weeks prior to the graduation date all graduating students receive an invitation from the Offices of Career Connections (OCC) to participate in the online First Destination Survey (FDS) with a secure no-login required link. Graduating students are permitted to access the FDS on Handshake platform multiple times during the data collection period to ensure the most accurate, current data is captured. Students responding to FDS are the primary source of information for career outcomes report prepared by OCC. However, the NACE standards also allows for collecting information from a variety of alternative sources (the graduates' LinkedIn profiles, social media, parents, employers, faculty, staff, etc.). This data follows the procedures outlined in the NACE Standards and Protocols for Undergraduate First Destination Surveys and the NACE Standards and Protocols for the Collection and Dissemination of Graduating Student Initial Career Outcome Information for Advanced Degree Candidates

Helpful Definitions

KNOWLEDGE RATE-This is the percentage of the graduating class for whom an outcome destination is known. It includes the sum of all the employment categories plus service and military plus continuing education plus the number of students still seeking an outcome or not seeking an outcome. It excludes those students for whom no information is available. Mathematically, the knowledge rate can be expressed as:

(# employed + # service + # military + # continuing education + # still seeking employment and continuing education + # not seeking)/total graduates

CAREER OUTCOMES RATE-This is the number of graduates who have landed in any of the employment categories plus service and military plus continuing education divided by the number of students for whom an outcome is known minus those graduates identified as not seeking an outcome. Expressed mathematically, the career outcomes rate is:

(# employed + # service + # military + # continuing education)/(# employed + # service + # military + # continuing education + # still seeking employment and continuing education)