Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineers apply engineering principles to healthcare. Researchers specialize in biomechanics, biomaterials, biomedical optics, tissue engineering, and molecular engineering, advancing therapeutics and diagnostics in cancer, neuroengineering, cardiovascular engineering, regenerative medicine, and orthopedics.

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Research Awards (2023)

Career Outlook

Our personalized approach not only enhances your skills and knowledge but also ensures that your education is relevant and fulfilling, positioning you for success in your engineering career.

What You Can Do

  • Design equipment and machines for diagnosing medical problems
  • Collaborate with manufacturers on safe and effective biomedical equipment use
  • Train clinicians on proper biomedical equipment use
  • Research how engineering principles apply to biological systems
  • Develop statistical models and simulations
  • Present research finding to scientists, clinicians, engineers, and the public

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Industries You Can Work In

  • Medical Equipment Manufacturing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Medical Research and Development
  • Colleges and Universities
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Research Areas

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology

Biomechanics is the study of the mechanical principles that govern living organisms, focusing on how forces interact with biological systems, such as muscles, bones, and tissues. It explores how these systems support movement, bear loads, and maintain structural integrity. Mechanobiology, a related field, investigates how mechanical forces and physical stimuli influence biological processes at the cellular and molecular levels. This includes how cells sense and respond to mechanical cues, which play a critical role in development, disease, and tissue regeneration. Both fields are integral to advancing medical technologies, prosthetics, and tissue engineering.

Our faculty involved in this research:


Biomaterials research focuses on developing and improving materials that interact with biological systems for medical and therapeutic applications. Researchers explore natural and synthetic materials, aiming to enhance the performance of implants, prosthetics, drug delivery systems, and tissue scaffolds. Recent advances in biomaterials research include the development of smart materials that can respond to environmental stimuli, nanomaterials for targeted therapies, and bioactive materials that promote tissue regeneration, driving innovation in fields like regenerative medicine and medical device design.

Our faculty involved in this research:

Biomedical Optics and Imaging

Biomedical optics and imaging involve the use of light and optical technologies to study biological tissues and structures for medical diagnostics and research. This field leverages principles of light-tissue interaction to develop non-invasive imaging techniques, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), fluorescence imaging, and laser microscopy. These methods provide high-resolution images of tissues, cells, and even molecular processes, aiding in early disease detection, surgical guidance, and monitoring of treatment efficacy. Biomedical optics and imaging have revolutionized areas like ophthalmology, cancer detection, and neuroscience by enabling detailed visualization of biological systems without the need for invasive procedures.

Our faculty involved in this research:

Gene, Cell, and Tissue Engineering

Gene, cell, and tissue engineering are interconnected fields that focus on manipulating biological systems to repair, replace, or enhance the function of tissues and organs. Gene engineering involves modifying genetic material to correct mutations or introduce new functions, often used in gene therapy. Cell engineering manipulates cells to improve their behavior or properties, such as enhancing immune cells for cancer therapies. Tissue engineering combines cells, biomaterials, and bioactive molecules to create functional tissues that can replace damaged or diseased tissue. These fields are at the forefront of regenerative medicine, offering potential cures for genetic disorders, tissue damage, and chronic diseases.

Our faculty involved in this research:

Neural Engineering

Neural engineering is a multidisciplinary field that applies engineering principles to understand, repair, enhance, or interface with the nervous system. It involves developing technologies such as brain-computer interfaces, neural prosthetics, and stimulation devices to treat neurological disorders, restore lost functions, or improve cognitive and motor performance. By combining neuroscience, bioengineering, and computer science, neural engineering aims to translate insights into practical applications, such as restoring mobility in paralysis, treating epilepsy, or enhancing sensory functions. This field holds great promise for advancing treatments for conditions like stroke, spinal cord injuries, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Our faculty involved in this research:

Systems Biology and Molecular Engineering

Systems biology and molecular engineering are interdisciplinary fields that explore the complex interactions within biological systems and design molecules with specific functions. Systems biology focuses on understanding how genes, proteins, and metabolic pathways interact to form networks that drive biological processes, using computational models and experimental data. Molecular engineering, on the other hand, involves designing and manipulating molecules at the atomic level to achieve desired biological or chemical outcomes, such as creating targeted therapies or novel biomaterials. Together, these fields enable a deeper understanding of life’s complexity and drive innovations in medicine, biotechnology, and synthetic biology.

Our faculty involved in this research:

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Contact Us

Alex Wayne
Operations Manager
John A. White, Jr. Engineering Hall
790 W. Dickson St. Suite 120

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