Study Abroad


Opportunities exist for Industrial Engineering students to enhance their educational experience by spending a summer, semester, or year immersed in another culture while working towards completion of their degree.  The Study Abroad program is administered through the Office of Study Abroad and International Relations, located in the Fulbright Institute of International Relations.  For more information about study abroad education opportunities refer to the Office of Study Abroad website. 


Financial Support

Students majoring in Industrial Engineering who are interested in study abroad experiences are eligible to apply to the John L Imhoff Global Studies Endowment for scholarships.  These scholarships are designed to help defray the expenses for industrial engineering students while engaged in for-credit overseas study and/or overseas work experience defined as internships and cooperative work programs.
To be eligible for consideration, undergraduate students should be full-time students who meet the following criteria:    

  • Students must have completed a total of 60 credit hours at the time of their study abroad program.  Thirty of the 60 credit hours must have been taken at the University of Arkansas.
  • Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Students interested in this program must make application to the Department Scholarship committee by the fifth week of the semester before the proposed study abroad semester. 

As part of the application process the students will be required to write a one page summary of their proposed study abroad experience and how it will enhance their understanding of the global economy, global business practices and global cultures.  In addition to the essay candidates will be evaluated based on their academic merits with emphasis on performance in relevant courses.  Upon return, students will be expected to construct a brief PowerPoint presentation summarizing their experience.  Students interested in applying for support through the John L. Imhoff Global Studies Endowment should contact Dr. Chase Rainwater at 575-6029 or e-mail him at

Apply here for the John L. Imhoff Global Studies Endowment!

Other Links to Financial Support: