Research Publications
In 2023, the faculty of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas contributed one book, four book chapters, 24 refereed journal articles and 14 other refereed publications and proceedings. The faculty authors are indicated in bold.
Book Published
Rossetti, M. D., Simulation Modeling using the Kotlin Simulation Library (KSL), 2023. KSLBook/
Book Chapter
Specking, E. and G. S. Parnell, “Multiple Objective Decision Analysis.” Engineering Management Handbook, 3rd Ed (pp. 105-116). American Society for Engineering Management. 2023.
Specking, E. and G. S. Parnell, “Single Objective Decision Analysis.” Engineering Management Handbook, 3rd Ed (pp. 93-103). American Society for Engineering Management. 2023.
Parnell, G. S., N. J. Shallcross, E. Specking, E. A. Pohl and M. Phillips, “Role of Decision Analysis in MBSE”. Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering, (pp. 119-150). Springer, 2023.
Rossetti, M. D., “Advanced Monte Carlo Methods.”Simulation Modeling using the Kotlin Simulation Library (KSL). (2023). ch9AdvMC.html
Refereed Journal Articles
Madadi, M., L.M. Maillart, M. Heydari, S. Zhang and C.R. Cassady. “Erlang Loss Systems with Shortest Idle Server First Service Discipline: Maintenance Considerations.” IISE Transactions, Vol. 55, Is.10: (2023)1008-1021
Zhang, J., R. L. Rardin and J. R. Chimka. “Budget constrained model selection for multiple linear regression.” Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation, Vol. 52, Is.11: (2023) 5537-5549
Do, T. D., A. D. Pifer, D. G. Wahman, R. N. Hickman, J. R. Chimka and J. L. Fairey, “Nitrite Quantification by Second Derivative Chemometric Models Mitigates Natural Organic Matter Interferences under Chloraminated Drinking Water Distribution System Conditions.” Water Research, Vol. 229: (2023) 119430
Yaba, C., A. Khademi, B. Ekşioğlu and B. Safrit, “Infectious disease control in metapopulations with limited resources.” IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Vol. 13 Is.1: (2023) 62-73
Cengil, A.B., B. Ekşioğlu, S. D. Ekşioğlu, H. Eswaran, C. J. Hayes and C. A. Bogulski, “Using Data Analytics for Telehealth Utilization: A Case Study in Arkansas.” Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. (2023) doi:10.1177/1357633X231160039
Ma, X., B. Yan, H. Wang and H. Liao, “A Hybrid Prognostic Method for Rotating Machinery under Time-varying Operating Conditions by Fusing Direct and Indirect Degradation Characteristics.” Measurement, Vol. 214: (2023) 112831
Wang, H., H. Liao, X. Ma, R. Bao and Y. Zhao, “A New Class of Mechanism-equivalence-based Wiener Process Models for Reliability Analysis.” IISE Transactions, Vol. 55, Is. 2: (2023) 129-146
Asha, L. N., Y. Huang, N. Yodo and H. Liao, “A Quantitative Approach of Measuring Sustainability Risk in Pipeline Infrastructure Systems.” Sustainability, Vol. 15, Is.19: (2023) 14229
Bu, F., J. Liu, H. Liao and H. L. Nachtmann, “An Alternative Solution to Congestion Relief of U.S. Seaports by Container-on-Barge: A Simulation Study.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol.129: (2023) 102836
Ma, X., B. Yan, H. Wang and H. Liao, “Decision-level Machinery Fault Prognosis using N-BEATS-based Degradation Feature Prediction and Reconstruction.” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 198: (2023) 110435
Tompkins, J., A. Garcia, D. Huitink and H. Liao, “Module-Level Thermal Interface Material Degradation in HALT.” Journal of Electronic Packaging, Vol.145, Is.1: (2023) 011106
Ma, Z., H. Liao, J. Gao, S. Nie and Y. Geng, “Physics-Informed Machine Learning Method for Degradation Modeling of an Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator System.” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 229: (2023) 108898
Amusan, O., S. Shi, D. Wu and H. Liao, “Structural Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Electric Power and Natural Gas Systems.”Energies, 16(19): (2023) 6918
Liu, J., H. Liao and J. White, “Design of a Class-based Order Picking System with Stochastic Demands and Priority Consideration.” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 331, Is. 2: (2023) 923-962
Zhang, F., H. Liao, J. Sheng and Y. Ma, “Optimal Maintenance of a System with Multiple Deteriorating Components Served by Dedicated Teams.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 72, Is.3: (2023) 900-915
Short, E., S. K. Council, A. B. Milburn, A. Ammerman, J. Callaghan-Koru, P. Mendoza Kabua and B. L. Ayers, “Assessing the Acceptability and Implementation Feasibility of a Culturally Adapted Parenting Intervention for Marshallese Mothers: A Study Protocol.” Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, Vol. 37: (2024)
Milburn, A. B., C. C. McNeill, L. Clay, M. Casey-Lockyer and J. Springer, “Health Care and Supportive Services in General Population Disaster Shelters.” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, Vol. 17: (2023) e457
Milburn, A. B., L. Clay and C. C. McNeill, “An Exploration of the Nearest-Shelter Assumption in Shelter Location Models.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 93: (2023) 103749
Shallcross, N. J., G. S. Parnell, E. A. Pohl and E. Specking, “Informing Program Management Decisions Using Quantitative Set-Based Design.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 70, Is.9, (2023): 3213-3228
Gracias, J., G. S. Parnell, E. Specking, E. A. Pohl and R. Buchan, “Smart Cities—A Structured Literature Review.” Smart Cities, MDPI, Vol. 6, Is. 4: (2023) 1719-1743
Gallarno, G., J. Muniz, G. S. Parnell, E. A. Pohl, J. Wu and R. Buchanan, “Development and Assessment of a Resilient Telecoms System.” The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, (2023): 15485129221143791
Beam, C., E. Specking, G. S. Parnell and E. A. Pohl, “Best Practices for Stakeholder Engagement for Government R&D Organizations.” EMJ Engineering Management Journal, Vol. 35, Is.1, (2023): 50-69
Enayaty Ahangar, N., K. M. Sullivan, S. M. Spanton, Y. Wang, Y. “Algorithms and Complexity Results for the Single-Cut Routing Problem in a Rail Yard.” IISE Transactions, Vol. 56, Is. 2 (2024): 172-185
Alimohammadi, M., W. Chaovalitwongse, H. J. Vesselle, S. Zhang, “Utilizing Clinical Trial Data to Assess Timing of Surgical Treatment for Emphysema Patients.” Medical Decision Making, Vol. 43, Is. 1: (2023) 110-124
Conference Proceedings
Wei, Y., Y. Cheng, H. Liao, “Optimal Maintenance Policy for a Fleet of Self-service Systems Subject to Dynamic Failure-induced Demand Switching.” Proceedings of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2023.
Aghamohammadghasem, M., J. Azucena, H. Liao, S. Zhang, H. L. Nachtmann, “Preventive Maintenance Planning for an Inland Waterway Transportation System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning.” Proceedings of Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2023.
Aghamohammadghasem, M., J. Azucena, F. Hashemian, H. Liao, S. Zhang, H. L. Nachtmann, ‘System Simulation and Machine Learning-based Maintenance Optimization for an Inland Waterway Transportation System.” Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2023.
Azucena, J., F. Hashemian, H. Liao, E. Pohl, “Applying Machine Learning Methods to Improve All-Terminal Network Reliability.” Proceedings of the 69th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, FL, 2023.
Paulus, D. “Online Education in Workforce Engagement.” Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Management International Annual Conference, Boulder, CO, 2023.
Rossetti, M. D. “Introducing the Kotlin Simulation Library (KSL).” Proceedings of the 2023 Winter Simulation Conference. San Antonio, TX, 2023.
In 2022, the faculty of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Arkansas contributed one book, one book chapter, 30 refereed journal articles and 10 other refereed publications and proceedings. The faculty authors are indicated in bold.
Book Edited
Ekşioğlu, S. D., Y. Wei and S. Siddique (Eds.), Optimization in Natural Resources, Environment, and Sustainability Optimization Letters, 2022.
Book Chapter
Ekşioğlu, S. D., Z. Azadi, (2022). “Customer Interfaces: Predicting, Planning and Influencing Demand”. Maynard’s Industrial Engineering Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 2022.
Refereed Journal Articles
Kiani, M., B. Ekşioğlu, T. Isik, A. Thomas and J. Gilpin. “Evaluating Appointment Postponement in Scheduling Patients at A Diagnostic Clinic.” Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 69, Issue 1 (2022): 76-91
Liu, D., B. Ekşioğlu, M. Schmid, N. Huynh and G. Comert. “Optimizing energy savings for a fleet of commercial autonomous trucks.” IEEE Transactions, Vol. 23, Issue 7 (2022)
Chang, Y., Y. Song and B. Ekşioğlu. “A stochastic lookahead approach for hurricane relief logistics operations planning under uncertainty.” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 319 (2022): 1231-1263
Cengil, M.F., H. Nagarajan, R. Bent, S. D. Ekşioğlu and B. Ekşioğlu. “Learning to accelerate globally optimal solutions to the AC optimal power flow problem.” Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 212 (2022)
Kucuksayacigil, F., M.D. Roni, S. D. Ekşioğlu and Q. Chen. “Optimal Control to Handle Variations in Biomass Feedstock Characteristics and Reactor In-Feed Rate.” International Journal of Energy, Vol. 248 (2022)
Aboytes-Ojeda, M., K. Castillo and S. D. Ekşioğlu. “Modeling and Optimization of Biomass Quality Variability for Decision Support Systems in Biofuel Production.” Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 314 (2022): 319-346
Liu, D., S. D. Ekşioğlu and M. Roni. “Optimal Control of Biomass Feedstock Processing System Under Uncertainty in Biomass Quality.” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 19, Issue 3 (2022): 1645-1661
Gulcan, B., S. D. Ekşioğlu, Y. Song and M.D. Roni. “Optimization Model for Integrated Biorefinery Operations.” Optimization Letters, Vol. 16, Issue 3 (2022): 909-951
Ma, Z., S. Nie and H. Liao. “A Load Spectra Design Method for Multi-stress Accelerated Testing.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability, Vol. 236 (2022)
Alkhaleel, B., H. Liao and K. Sullivan. “Model and Solution Method for Mean-risk Cost-based Post-disruption Restoration of Interdependent Critical Infrastructure Networks.” Computers and Operations Research, Vol. 144 (2022): 105812
Cheng, Y., Y. Wei and H. Liao. “Optimal Sampling-based Sequential Inspection and Maintenance Plans for a Heterogeneous Product with Competing Failure Modes.” Reliability Engineering System Safety, Vol. 218 (2022): Article: 108181
Alkhaleel, B., H. Liao and K. Sullivan. “Risk and Resilience-based Optimal Post-disruption Restoration for Critical Infrastructures under Uncertainty.” European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 296 (2022): 174-202
Ma, Z., Y. Geng, S. Nie, H. Ji, X. Yan and H. Liao. “SNIF-DFA: A Signal Processing and Information Fusion Method for Smart Gua Sha Device.” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, Issue 24 (2022): 24176-24185
Wang, H., H. Liao and X. Ma. “Stochastic Multi-phase Modeling and System Health Assessment Based on a Degradation Branching Process.” Reliability Engineering System Safety, Vol. 222 (2022): 108412
Liu, J., H. Liao and J. White. “Technical Note: A Graphical Approach to the Analysis of Travel Time in an Automated Storage and Retrieval System.” Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 69 (2022): 914-923
Jin, Y., C. Ruiz, C. and H. Liao. “A Simulation Framework for Optimizing Bike Rebalancing and Maintenance in Large-Scale Bike-Sharing Systems.” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Vol. 115 (2022): 102422
Liu, X., K.M. Yeo and S.Y. Lu. “Statistical Modeling for Spatio-Temporal Data from Physical Convection-Diffusion Processes.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 117 (2022): 1482-1499
Liu, X. and X.C. Liu. “Regression Trees on Grassmann Manifold for Adapting Reduced-Order Models.” Journal of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), (2022): Online
Hajiha, M., X. Liu, Y. Lee and R. Moghaddass. “A Physics-Regularized Data-Driven Approach for Health Prognostics of Complex Engineered Systems with Dependent Health States.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, Special Issue: Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Reliability and Safety, Vol. 226, (2022): 108677
Iranzad, R., X. Liu, W. A. Chaovalitwongse, D. S. Hippe, S. Wang, J. Han, P. Thammasorn,C.Y. Duan, J. Zeng and S.R. Bowen. “Boost-S: Gradient Boosted Trees for Spatial Data and Its Application to FDG-PET Imaging Data.” IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, Vol. 12 (2022): 165-179
Forouzannezhad, P., D. Maes, D. Hippe, P. Thammasorn, R. Iranzad, J. Han, C. Duan, X. Liu, S. Wang, W. Chaovalitwongse, J. Zeng and S. Bowen. “Multitask Learning Radiomics on Longitudinal Imaging to Predict Survival Outcomes following Risk-Adaptive Chemoradiation for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.” Cancers, Special Issue: Medical Imaging and Machine Learning, Vol. 14 (2022): 1288
Ayers, B.L., C. Bogulski, A.B. Milburn, A. Fisher, M. Netwon and P. McElfish. “Dietary Practices during Pregnancy in a Marshallese Community: A Mixed-Methods Analysis.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 19, No. 11 (2022): 6360
Assaad, R., I. El-adaway, M. Hastak and K.L. Needy. “The impact of offsite construction on the workforce: Required skillset and prioritization of training needs.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 148, No. 7 (2022)
Assaad, R., I. El-adaway, M. Hastak and K.L. Needy. “The COVID-19 pandemic: A catalyst and accelerator for offsite construction technologies.” ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 6 (2022)
Assaad, R., I. El-adaway, M. Hastak and K.L. Needy. “Quantification of the state of practice of offsite construction: Current trends and future prospects.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 148, No. 7 (2022)
Jensen, J., G. Mathews, G.S. Parnell and E. Pohl. “Preference Mapping and Routing of Illicit Cross-Border Activity.” Military Operations Research, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2022): 23-33
Barker, T., G.S. Parnell, E. Pohl, E. Specking, S.R. Goerger and R. Buchanan. “Impact of Reliability in Conceptual Design—An Illustrative Trade-Off Analysis.” Systems, Vol. 10, No. 6 (2022)
Jalata, I., T.-D. Truong, C.E. Rainwater and K. Luu. “EQAdap: Equipollent Domain Adaptation Approach to Image Deblurring.” IEEE Access, Vol. 10 (2022): 93203-93211
Specking, E., G.S. Parnell, E.A. Pohl and R. Buchanan. “Engineering Resilient Systems: Achieving Stakeholder Value Through Design Principles and System Operations.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 69, No. 6 (2022): 3982-3993
Schoen, E.D., P.T. Eendebak, A.R. Vazquez and P. Goos. “Systematic enumeration of definitive screening designs.” Statistics and Computing, Vol. 32, No. 6 (2022): 109
Conference Proceedings
Galbraith, A., B.L. Crisel, L.B. Massey and H.A. Schluterman. “Exploring the relationship between initial mathematics course in college and engineering graduation rates.” ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2022.
Cengil, M.F., H. Nagarajan, R. Bent, S.D. Ekşioğlu and B. Ekşioğlu. “Learning to accelerate globally optimal solutions to the AC optimal power flow problem.” 22nd Power Systems Computation Conference Proceedings, Porto, Portugal, June/July 2022.
Bui, H., S.D. Ekşioğlu, S. Nurre and R. Proano. “An analysis of the impacts of social media on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the U.S.” Proceedings of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, May 2022.
Azucena, J., H. Wells, H. Liao, K. Sullivan and E. Pohl. “Applying Machine Learning Methods to Improve All-Terminal Network Reliability.” Proceedings of the 60th European Safety, Reliability, & Data Association (ESReDA) Seminar, Grenoble, France, May 2022.
Azuzena, J.C.H., H. Wells, H. Liao, K.M. Sullivan and E.A. Pohl. “Applying Deep Reinforcement Learning to Improve the Reliability of an Infrastructure Network.” Proceedings of the 60th European Safety, Reliability, & Data Association (ESReDA) Seminar, Grenoble, France, May 2022.
Rivera, R., G.S. Parnell, E.A. Pohl, E. Specking, R. Buchanan and J. Richards. “Smart Base Installations: Bayesian Network for Decision Analysis to Support the Decision-Making Process During Severe Weather Events.” 11th Southeast Symposium on Contemporary Engineering Topics – INFORMS Proceedings, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 2022.
Parnell, G., R. Kenley, E. Specking and E.A. Pohl. “Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering.” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium, Detroit, Michigan, June 2022.
Ruiz, C., E. Pohl and H. Liao. “Bayesian Design of a D-Optimal Accelerated Degradation Test Considering Random Effects.” Proceedings of the 68th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Tucson, Arizona, January 2022.
Rossetti, M. D. “An Overview of the Multi-Disciplinary Data Science (MDaS) S-STEM Scholarship Program.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2022.
Schubert, K., X. Delgado Solorzano, L. Massey, C. Gattis, J. Popp, C. Cao, T. Carter and D. Muralidhara. “A Successful 2-week Innovation- and Student Success-Focused Bridge Program for First-Year Students.” Proceedings of the ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2022.