girl looking at asphalt

Research Strengths

Biomedical & Healthcare Engineering

Many life-enhancing breakthroughs in medicine and healthcare delivery result from research combining engineering and the medical sciences.


Researchers in this area are developing new materials for circuits and photovoltaic cells, designing and modeling circuits, creating packages that protect and integrate electronic devices and creating and testing new technologies to improve our power grid.


The broad area of energy has a foundation in electronics, but has expanded to include power systems, energy storage, smart grid innovation, biofuels and oil and gas research.

Materials Science & Engineering

Our college’s innovations in materials science and engineering lead to improved materials to solve technological and societal problems.

Transportation & Logistics

Researchers are looking at distribution, transportation, information technology and software solutions, and maritime and multimodal transportation.

Contact the Office of the
Associate Dean for Research

Sandra D. Eksioglu

Sandra D. Eksioglu
Associate Dean for Research and Professor

Emerging Research Areas

Advanced Manufacturing

Our innovation into modern manufacturing involves technology-driven manufacturing processes, assembly and control technologies, new automation, techniques, design and modeling of systems, process planning.


Researchers are looking at increasing digital security and information assurance, especially in the areas of transportation and the power grid.

Data Science

Our data science researchers are exploring real-time data collection and assessment, parallel data processing, machine learning, intelligent search, sensor network architecture and design flow, electronics packaging, and information transmission and processing.


As a land-grant institution, the U of A has a responsibility to maintain the nation’s water and electric resources, communications and transportation.

Membranes & Separations

Our researchers are exploring membrane materials, characterization, formation, and performance to imporve energy production, water treatment, pharmaceutical purification, and chemical processing.


Research in this area includes water quality, wastewater treatment and watershed management.

Researcher Resources

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