Civil Engineering
Graduate Degrees Available: Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Master of Science in Construction Management, Master of Science in Engineering and Doctor of Philosophy
Graduate Programs
The overall objective of the Department of Civil Engineering graduate program is to pursue these goals:
- Prepare students to pursue careers in the broad field of civil engineering
- Prepare students to demonstrate advanced technical knowledge related to civil engineering
- (PhD Only) Prepare students to present an original contribution to the extant body of knowledge
Five graduate degree programs are offered by the department:
- Master's of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S.C.E.)
- Online Sam and Janet Alley Master of Science in Construction Management
- Master's of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.)
- Doctorate of Philosophy in Engineering (Ph.D.)
The Department of Civil Engineering has ongoing research programs in the environmental/water resources, geotechnical, structural, and transportation areas.
Why Choose this Degree
The objectives of the program are to provide a greater depth of understanding of civil engineering topics for the practice of engineering and to serve as preparation for further studies. More reasons to choose this degree include:
- Students are allowed a great deal of flexibility in designing their course of study.
- Students desiring to develop a deeper understanding of one sub-discipline area may select courses solely concentrated in that area
- Those desiring a broader-based education may select courses from several sub-disciplines including courses from other disciplines.
Connect with Graduate Student Support Offices
Graduate Admissions and Recruitment
340 N. Campus Drive
Gearhart Hall 213
Graduate Fellowships and Program Support
340 N. Campus Drive
Gearhart Hall 273
Graduate Student Support
340 N. Campus Drive
Gearhart Hall 272
Additional Degree Information
Admissions Requirements
All Requirements and deadlines apply to PhD and MS programs
Not required for students who receive BS CVEG or MS CVEG from an ABET accredited US
*For students without an ABET accredited degree, GRE is required with minimum scores
of 302 (combined Quantitative plus Verbal) and 3.5 (Analytical Writing).
3.0 GPA from undergraduate engineering degree
English Requirements (for students who didn’t complete degree from a U.S. university whose first language is not English)
English proficiency exam taken within 2 years of application, for list of approved exams and required scores click here.
Other materials
Statement of Purpose (500 words), Three letters of recommendation, CV/Resume, Assistantship Application
Fall admission: February 15
Spring admission: July 15
*Financial assistance is awarded on a competitive basis during a review of the graduate student applicant pool. Apply by listed deadlines to ensure full consideration.
Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. Julian Fairey, E-mail:
Apply Here
Outcomes and Objective
Student Learning Outcomes include:
- Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve advanced-level problems in civil engineering.
- Locate and evaluate pertinent published literature relevant to a given topic, and apply the information gained to a design, analysis, or research effort.
- Organize and deliver effective communications.
- Design and conduct experiments, and analyze and evaluate the resulting data.
- (MS Only) Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
- (PhD Only) Develop an original and unique contribution to the extant body of knowledge concerning the dissertation topic area.