Recent Salary and Career Outcomes Data

As students graduate from the College of Engineering, we collect data regarding their post-graduation career outcomes. We use this information to assist current and future students in understanding their career options, and to help the college maintain its ABET accreditation. Our data is also provided to the Offices of Career Connections so that they can maintain a University-wide database of career outcomes for our alumni.


The data that we collect is cleaned, analyzed, and published to our College of Engineering Career Outcomes Spreadsheet. This spreadsheet breaks information down by degree and semester, showing our knowledge rate, career outcomes rate, and salary data (definitions in methodology section).

Current Data


Data collection on career outcomes takes place approximately 2 months before graduation until 6 months after graduation. There are multiple avenues for collecting the data, including the Office of Career Connections First Destination Survey (FDS), the College of Engineering survey, departmental surveys and exit interviews, texting and emailing students, and gathering information from LinkedIn.

Knowledge Rate

The percentage of the graduating class for whom an outcome destination is known. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

(# employed + # continuing education + # still seeking employment and continuing education + # not seeking)/total graduates

Career Outcomes Rate

The number of graduates who have secured a positive post-graduation outcome. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

(# employed + # continuing education + # not seeking)/(# employed + # continuing education + # still seeking employment and continuing education + # not seeking)

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